Sunday, May 20, 2007

Pen Fight

Yep its about kiran - I just want to take everybody back to our school time kiran was at the school time & how time has changed him..

People used to call him pinasoda (dont remember the english word for this rite now)

I think it was 4th game has become very popular in the school.. comes interval or lunch time or even in the middle of class some times.. people start playing this game..Its introduced by our dear Cnu .. no guesses for prizes ..its the Pen Fight .. but howz that related to kirrrrrrr .. before going into that let me just remind the rules of the game for those who dont know about it .. any number of ppl can participate in the game .. as such there are no teams .. individual player is a team himself .. every one has to keep on the desk & one person starts the game by trying to hit other players pen with his pen.. next second person hits his pen in the same fashion & if a pen falls down that person is knocked out of the game..quite an exciting game at that age..

Now fortunately even kiran started liking that game & he also started participating the game..but just one kick is enough to throw his pen out of the desk..this is bcoz he used to use the pens which are so lite in weight (these pens used to come very cheaply ..i think around 50pc each) & some times pencils also which are even difficult to hold & rite ( such a small pencils, only kiran used to use in the entire school :) .. Ppl used to throw away pencils when they can no more hold it to rite .. but for kiran they can be still used for more than 1 week !!!!

Anyways back to after day kiran started loosing all the games .. even before he gets chance to hit his pencil, he is already knocked out of the game .. dejected again n agin by loosing daily.. *

One fine morning kiran came smiling & he also came with a pen this time .. (Cnu & I ignored .. its no better than a pencil)

game started.. kirans pen in the extreme left .. cnu's in the middle & mine to extreme right .. we thought of knocking him down first.. i hav just given a small jerk to my pen .. & then cnu his pen hard towards kirans pen..but i just got stunned.. kirans pen didnt move not even a single inch !!! shucks wats happening ? is it the same 50pc pen .. looks like same even didnt hav a refill inside it .. then why the hell it didnt moved ? hmmmm.... next is kirans chance he hitted his pen towards cnus pen & it went flying away out of our site.. wow for the first time .. kirans pen is still in the playground after 2 shots..& the big things is for the first time he has knocked out some body in the game..

Next my turn came..Cnu still shell shocked not realising what happened .. i didnt know whether to attack or not..i though just to stay in the game & hope a miracle happen .. i gave one more kirans turn..he is dashing towards my pen..& with 2 blows even my pen has flied out of the desk..kiran is the Champion.. but wait what happened ? we will play one more game & kiran nodded happily..needless to say again we lost :(

same thing continued in the short-interval & lunch again n again v lost & kiran cannot hide his smile.. finally cnu thougt of looking at kirans pen..kirr resisted, but cnu took his pen & opened the pen..what this ? there is no pen instead sand is coming out of the pen..hmmm so thats the mystery..

what happened ?

dejected again n agin by loosing daily.. kiran started thinking how he can win without buying a new pen which is bit heavier.. he looked at his 50pc pen.. got angry but he cannot throw it.. what to do .. Wow lightning striked & a brilliant idea came into his mind.. he remove the refill & filled up the pen with sand.. now pen has become heavier.. & smile is back on kirans face.. rest .. we hav already seen what happened :)

pinasodu .. kullu ideas baga vasatyi ..

I will be back with more strange things kiran did ..very soon..

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